
Wedgelock Washer

Trusted by critical industrial users, Harshvijay Exim OPC Private Limited, as a leading WEDGE LOCK Washers supplier, stockist, and exporter in India, offer our product in various sizes. Harshvijay Exim is known as leading Stainless-Steel Wedge lock Washer supplier and exporter. Wedge Lock washer, supplied in a pair, is manufactured with utmost perfection. It is available in standard as well as extra-large outside dimension. Being one of the premier Nord Lock washers supplier, and stockist, we offer these international standard quality products at reasonable prices to our esteemed customers.

The wedge lock washer purpose is to successfully secure a beveled wedge washer to a bolted joint, especially when the bolt is prone to loosening due to extreme vibrations or movement. Wedge lock washers have been meticulously tested to ensure that they can perform to their designed capabilities without loosening or breaking. Lock wedge washers utilise tension instead of friction to secure bolted joints exposed to severe vibration and dynamic loads.

Wedge Lock Washer Sizes range

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9

